What is Phuture?

Ew P
3 min readSep 22, 2021

Phuture is a decentralised protocol built for the creation and investment of token based passive investment strategies in a Web3 environment. Phuture introduces an open design philosophy for creating passive investment strategies, providing the tools for users to create new indices or invest into existing ones created by the community. The platform has been designed with the user in mind. It conflates an intuitive UI with a set of tools that bring power and depth to the experience. Phuture makes it easy to create indices through the Index Creator Tool. The Index Creator can support an array of index options including automated sector tracking and dynamic weighting methodologies.

Does Phuture have a token and what are its functions?

Yes, Phuture has an PHTR token. PHTR Functions: Governance — Staked PHTR holders can exercise their right to vote on, or propose new ideas to improve the Phuture protocol. Staking — Users who stake PHTR receive Enhanced PHTR (ePHTR), a yield generating, governance enabled variant of PHTR. Solver Rewards — PHTR is earned by validators on non-Ethereum chains, performing critical platform functions. Solver Bond — *A minimum PHTR bond is required in order for solvers to get whitelisted to execute platform functions. * Liquidity Incentives — Distributed to liquidity providers of PHTR and other Phuture products.

Does Phuture do buybacks and burns?

All fees generated on the platform are used to buy back PHTR. 15% of this PHTR is burnt and the remaining 85% is redistributed to ongoing initiatives such as ePHTR staking, liquidity mining, index incentives and solver rewards.

What about $PHTR supply?

The PHTR token has an initial max supply of 100mm. The token contract has the ability to mint additional tokens. This is to allow governance to issue more tokens should the initial supply of 100mm prove insufficient in self-sustaining the platform through fees alone.

Can anyone create a Phuture index?

Everyone has the ability to create and launch their own index with Phuture. As long as the assets exist on the Ethereum blockchain only your imagination can limit you.

How can I participate in the community?

The Phuture ecosystem is constantly expanding. We welcome everyone to the community. For those seeking an active part in Phuture’s growth, we encourage you to join the conversation and contribute in our Discord.

Can a Phuture index include equities?

The platform is extensible to all ERC-20 tokens providing that are whitelisted. This could include both crypto native assets or equity-linked tokens.

How to calculate ePHTR staking rewards?

1. Go to this etherscan link of the ePHTR contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3b9805E163b3750e7f13a26B06F030f2d3b799F5#readContract

2. Click on withdrawableAmount, enter the amount of ePHTR you hold and click query to see how many PHTR your ePHTR tokens would convert into. Note: To get the absolute accurate answer you would need to multiply your ePHTR balance by 10¹⁸ before entering it. But the above method is very close.

https://twitter.com/phuturedao https://t.me/phuture_group http://discord.gg/frRD3Ck https://phuture-finance.medium.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/phuture-finance/ https://github.com/Phuturedao https://phuture.gitbook.io/phuture/

